A public offer agreement for the sale of goods based on the samples
of an online store " / "

Laiuk Galyna, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", publishes a Public offer for the sale of goods according to the samples presented on the official website of the Seller /

This Agreement for the provision of services for individual tailoring is a public offer of Laiuk Galyna, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", which expresses its intention to conclude a public offer agreement for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with individuals and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor". The "Customer", hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties", in accordance with the procedure and conditions provided for in this Agreement. The Agreement of the public offer for the provision of services for individual tailoring contains all the essential conditions.

This document is a public offer, and if the conditions set out below are accepted, the individual accepting this offer will pay for the Seller's Goods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Payment for Goods by the Buyer is an acceptance of the offer, which is considered equivalent to entering into a Agreement on the terms set out in the offer.

1. Terms and definitions used in the agreement
1.1. Offer - this public offer agreement for the provision of services for individual tailoring, published on the Internet at: /
1.2 Acceptance of the offer – full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by performing the actions specified in clause 1.9 of the offer. Accepting an offer creates an Agreement.
1.3 Agreement – a Agreement between the "Contractor" and the "Customer" for the provision of services for individual tailoring, which is concluded by accepting the offer.
1.4 Customer – a person who applied for the provision of services for individual tailoring to the "Contractor" in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
1.5 Contractor – provides services for individual tailoring to the "Customer" under the Agreement.
1.6 Individual tailoring – the process of tailoring clothes at the individual request of the "Customer" based on the materials presented in the catalog on the website / samples. When ordering, the "Customer" must provide their measurements, color, style and article number of the selected model, as well as individual wishes for the product.
1.7 Application for individual tailoring – an application for individual tailoring completed on the official website of the "Contractor" or by phone through the Operator.
1.8 Website – information resource of the "Contractor", located on the Internet at: /
1.9 Acceptance of the terms of the Agreement – the actions of the "Customer" to accept the terms of this Agreement are expressed in a request for the size and entry of personal data (size, phone number and email address). When going to the official website of the "Contractor", the" Customer " must read the terms of the submitted offer agreement. After reviewing it and agreeing to the terms and conditions specified in the offer, the "Customer" makes a size request on the site. Also, the acceptance of the offer agreement is considered to be sending an application for individual tailoring through the "Contractor" to Operator.
1.10 Operator – an employee of the enterprise who accepts requests from "Customers" by accepting calls and messages from instant messengers or emails.
With these actions of the "Customer", acceptance of the terms of the Agreement is considered to have taken place, and the Agreement is considered to have been concluded by the "Parties".
1.11 Payment date – receipt of funds to the Contractor's current account.
1.12 Product – clothing sewn according to the individual request of the "Customer".

2. Subject of the agreement
2.1 The subject of this public offer agreement is the provision of services for individual tailoring by the "Contractor" in accordance with the request of the "Customer", completed and sent on the official website of the "Contractor" /
2.2 The "Contractor" undertakes to provide individual tailoring services to the "Customer" within the time period stipulated in the Agreement and on the basis of the request.
2.3 The "Customer" is obliged to make the payment in compliance with the form and procedure of settlement and perform all necessary actions in accordance with this public offer agreement.

3. The procedure of interaction between the parties.
3.1 The "Customer" who intends to conclude a public offer agreement with the" Contractor " must accept the offer, in other words, perform the actions specified in clause 1.9 of the agreement.
3.2 "Customer" on the site / provides the following information about itself: name, contact phone number (mobile or landline), email address. As well as the model and size of the product that interested him. In the future, the operator contacts the "Customer" to clarify the body dimensions, delivery address, and billing. If necessary, the "Customer" can provide additional information.
3.3 The "Contractor" makes products based on the data provided by the "Customer". "Contractor" carries out individual tailoring of its own materials and accessories.
3.5 The "Customer", when forming an application, pays the cost of the ordered services of the "Contractor" in a non-cash way using the generated link with the invoice received from the operator exclusively from the number +1 (484) 521-1289 or e-mail address or makes a payment on the site /
3.6 After 100% payment of the invoice via the link "Customer", "Contractor", individual tailoring is carried out on the basis of the data provided by the "Customer".
3.7 The term of rendering services for each request of the" Customer "is agreed by the "Parties" individually and can be extended depending on the complexity.
3.8 Product images presented on the Site are for reference purposes only and may not fully convey reliable information about the properties and characteristics of the Product, including color, size, style, shape. In this regard, if necessary, you should consult with the operator by contacting the contact details indicated on the Site.

4. Rights and obligations of the Contractor.
4.1. The "Contractor" has the right to:
4.1.1 Change the cost and terms of service at its sole discretion. At the same time, the "Parties" are guided by the fact that the new cost does not apply to services already paid for by the" Customer".
4.1.2 Demand from the "Customer" timely and full payment for services rendered by the "Contractor" in accordance with this Agreement;
4.1.3 Involve third parties in the execution of the Agreement, while remaining responsible to the "Customer".
4.1.4. The "Contractor" has the right to record telephone conversations with the "Customer"for the purpose of quality control. The Contractor is obliged to provide:
- prevention of unauthorized access to information and (or) its transfer to persons who do not have the right to access information;
- timely detection of unauthorized access to information;
- prevention of the possibility of adverse consequences of violation of the order of access to information;
- prevention of impact on technical means of information processing, as a result of which their functioning is disrupted;
- constant monitoring of ensuring the level of information security.
4.2 Obligations of the "Contractor":
4.2.1 Strictly observe the terms of this Agreement.

5. Rights and obligations of the Customer.
5.1 Responsibilities of the "Customer":
5.1.1 Before performing actions aimed at concluding the Agreement, familiarize yourself with the content and terms of this agreement of the public offer, prices and conditions available on the Contractor's website.
5.1.2 Strictly observe the terms of this Agreement.
5.1.3 Provide the "Contractor" with the requested information, namely: their own measurements, color of the selected product, style, model, individual wishes, as well as other necessary data for the "Contractor".
5.1.4 Coordinate with the "Contractor" the material, accessories of the product, as well as other data necessary for individual tailoring of clothing for specific parameters of the "Customer".
5.1.5 Pay for the services of the "Contractor" in accordance with the procedure and within the time limits stipulated in the Agreement.
5.1.6 Provide the Contractor with reliable information necessary to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement.
5.1.7 The "Customer" has read, agrees and confirms at the conclusion of the Agreement that it wishes to conclude it, and also understands that at the conclusion of the Agreement it acquires obligations arising from the Agreement.
5.1.8 The "Customer" has read, agrees and confirms that the obligations must be performed properly in accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of the law. Unilateral refusal to perform an obligation and unilateral modification of its terms are not allowed.
5.1.9 The "Customer" has read, agrees and confirms that the "Customer" is not entitled to refuse goods of proper quality that have individually defined properties, if the specified goods can be used exclusively by the"Customer" who purchases them.
5.1.10 The "Customer" has read and agrees that finished products are not subject to exchange and return.
5.1.11 The "Customer" is familiar with and agrees that there may be permissible deviations in the finished products.

6. Price and settlement procedure of the "Parties".
6.1 The cost of the Contractor's services under this agreement is determined specifically for each request for each "Customer", based on the scope of services, the cost of material and other components.
6.2 Payment to the "Contractor" is made by bank transfer using the link generated by the operator or on the website /
6.3 The cost of services generated on the site may be changed by the “Contractor" unilaterally without notifying the "Customer". These changes are posted on the site and take effect immediately after posting. However, the new price does not apply to services already paid for.
6.4 The "Contractor", in agreement with the" Customer", may change the formed price, either up or down, due to varying complexity, volumes, terms and other conditions.

7. Term of the agreement.
7.1 The Agreement is considered concluded and comes into force from the moment the "Customer" performs the actions specified in clause 1.9 of the agreement and is valid until the "Parties" fully fulfill their obligations.
7.2 Obligations of the "Contractor" are considered fulfilled in full at the time of delivery of the finished product to the "Customer".
7.3 The obligations of the "Customer" are considered to be fulfilled in full if the funds specified in the order are paid in full.

8. Return of the product.
8.1 In case of delivery of an order of inadequate quality, the "Customer" has the right to refuse the product at the time of delivery and immediately inform the "Contractor" about this by phone +1 (484) 521-1289 or e-mail address
8.2 Improper quality is the presence of holes, spots, snags, laces on the product. In this case, the product must be returned or exchanged for a similar product of proper quality. The "Customer" sends such a product by mail or courier service, or delivers it in any other way to the "Contractor" at the address: Spain Valencia 46015 Calle Eduardo Soler y Perez 10 A16

8.3 The returned product must be accompanied by:
- an application for the return of the product in free form with the mandatory indication in the application of the contact details of the "Customer" that coincide with the specified data when ordering, the name of the returned product and the reasons for the return;
- a printed receipt confirming payment.
These documents must be submitted to the "Contractor" in electronic form to the e-mail address
8.4 In case of detection of a defect, the "Customer" is obliged to notify the "Contractor" within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of delivery of the product.
8.5 The period of consideration of the application for refund of funds for the product occurs within 10 (ten) business days (excluding weekends and holidays) and begins from the moment the "Contractor" receives the returned product. At the same time, if the application is received from the "Customer" after 18-00 of the current business day or on a weekend or holiday, the next business day is considered the moment of receipt of the application.

9. Responsibility of the "Parties".
9.1 The "Contractor" guarantees to provide complete and reliable information to the" Customer " within the framework of this agreement.
9.2 The "Customer" guarantees the completeness and accuracy of the information provided to the "Contractor" under this agreement.
9.3 The "Contractor" is not responsible for the information provided by the "Customer" in a public form.
9.4 The "Contractor" is not responsible for improper use of products purchased by the "Customer" on the basis of this Agreement.
9.5 The "Parties" undertake to keep confidential commercial, financial and other confidential information received from the other "Party" during the performance of this agreement.
9.6 The "Customer" confirms and agrees that before ordering the service, he was fully informed and informed about the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the service, is independently responsible for his choice and confirms his consent to the provision of services and there are no claims against the "Contractor" in the future.
9.7 During the waiting period for the finished product to be delivered to the "Customer", circumstances beyond the control of the "Contractor" may arise, as a result of which the delivery time of the finished product to the "Customer"increases. Such circumstances include cases related to:
- changes in the terms of transportation of the finished product due to the fault of the transport company;
- changing the terms of individual tailoring of the product due to the volume and / or complexity;
- making changes to the individual application of the manufactured product;
- lack of necessary materials and accessories in stock.
In cases of occurrence of such circumstances, they are perceived by the "Parties "as force majeure circumstances and this is not intentional or careless actions of the"Contractor". At the same time, the deadline for transferring the finished product to the "Customer" is postponed without payment from the "Contractor", any material and other sanctions. In order to fulfill the Agreement as soon as possible, the Contractor undertakes to take all necessary measures for the proper execution of the Agreement, which will reduce the time required to transfer the finished product to the Customer.
If the ordered Goods and / or materials are not available in the Contractor's warehouse, including for reasons beyond the Contractor's control, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally cancel the execution of this Agreement (cancel the Order) in respect of the Goods that are not available, with mandatory notification to the Customer.

10. Force majeure.
10.1 Any of the "Parties" to this agreement is released from liability for its violation if such violation was caused by force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the agreement as a result of events of an extraordinary nature that the "Parties" could neither have foreseen nor prevented by reasonable measures. Force majeure circumstances include events that the "Parties" cannot influence, for example: an earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane, as well as an uprising, civil unrest, strike, acts of state bodies, military actions of any nature that hinder the implementation of this agreement, as well as voltage drops in the power grid and other circumstances which resulted in the failure of technical means of any of the parties to the agreement.

11. Other terms and conditions.
11.1 If the addresses, payment details, addresses and numbers of communication channels of the "Parties" change during the term of this Agreement, the "Party" whose details have changed must notify the other "Party" in writing within 3 (three) business days from the date of such changes. The "Contractor" has the right to post information about changes on the official website, without notifying the "Customer" in writing.
11.2 Each of the "Parties" is obliged to immediately inform the other about any events and/or circumstances known to it that may negatively affect the timely and proper performance of its obligations under this Agreement by this party.
11.3 Contractor's website / and all its contents are the intellectual property of the "Contractor".

12. Seller's details:
Laiuk Galyna
Spain Valencia
46015 Calle Eduardo Soler y Perez 10 A16
+1 (484) 521-1289